The ? 2 decide to try shown no dating anywhere between years and ego invention

The ? 2 decide to try shown no dating anywhere between years and ego invention

The coaches on studies was indeed certified Enneagram coaches in the Narrative Culture. The latest Enneagram Circuit training Programmes used four pri type of panels, (2) didactic reading, (3) reflection teaching, and you will (4) experiential exploration. Enneagram Extreme Trainings instructors then followed an overview named New Enneagram Rigorous®: Integrating Mental Existence and Spirit.

The three Basic classes incorporated pri understanding strategies. Brand new Berkeley path incorporated everyday Enneagram particular panels and you can didactic understanding. anastasiadate The Minnesota way used all four of your own no. 1 reading methods. The fresh new Palo Alto way used Enneagram particular boards, didactic discovering, and you may experiential mining instance guided visualization.

Study Analysis

Forms were blogged from the a study secretary and you will sent to a good Cook-Greuter-specialized SCT scorer (Hy and you may Loevinger 1996) via blog post post. Code numbers were utilized therefore the rater was blind so you’re able to the nature of the sample, this new times of the decide to try, plus the studies category sorts of. New scorer implemented the training by Susan Create-Greuter, by using the amazing Loevinger guide, with the exception of stems outside the instructions (Cook-Greuter 1999). Scored responses was basically delivered back for the researchers in a stand out spread sheet that was then utilized for study studies. To make sure reliability of your own rating to have leads to and that professionals went right up or down two or more degrees, an example of these knowledge has also been obtained by the Plan-Greuter by herself.


An analysis of variance (ANOVA) confirmed that there were no pre-existing ego development differences at baseline among the participants between the sites, F(8, 9) = 0.38, p = .93. The pretest and posttest ego development scores were significantly correlated (r = .48, p < .001), whereby participants with higher pre-training scores also had higher post-training scores.

Because there are far more more than more youthful grownups within test, an analysis was held to evaluate the relationship ranging from age group and you may training impact. As a whole, 40 users (33%, letter = ) enhanced one or more grade adopting the degree. Proportionally, significantly more 50–59 seasons olds (45%, letter = ) compared to almost every other age range improved a minumum of one grade just after the education (20%, letter = 1/5, not as much as 29; 0%, n = 0/step three, 30–39 season olds; 25%, n = 7/twenty-eight, 40–forty two seasons olds; and twenty four%, n = 8/33, 60+ season olds). To look at whether or not this pattern is actually statistically extreme, an effective ? 2 sample out-of freedom was calculated of the evaluating years category and whether a person educated ego stage improvement you to definitely or more levels pursuing the input (or not).

An analysis has also been presented to check the relationship between fellow member sex and you can knowledge perception. Even if proportionally, much more women (36%, n = ) than simply males (18%, letter = 4/22) complex one or more amounts after the studies, a beneficial ? 2 shot away from versatility found no matchmaking anywhere between intercourse and you will ego development.

Two repeated-measures ANOVAs were conducted to test for within-subject ego development changes across the training sites. The first model examined the interaction term of ego development by training site type as a dichotomous variable (intensive site vs. introductory site); the model was not significant at the p < .05 level, F(1,120) = 1.32, p = .25. The second model examined the interaction term of ego development by individual training site; the model was also not significant at the p < .05 level, F(7, 114) = 1.40, p = .21.

Paired sample t tests were conducted to examine whether there were significant changes in ego development scores before compared to after the Enneagram training interventions at each site. Data revealed that the Asheville 2005 participant group showed a significant increase in ego development scores following the intervention, t(22) = ? 3.36, p < .01. Table 4 sument scores and the paired t test results.



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